Stickers of IAȘI AI and DeepLearning.AI

IAȘI AI — the artificial intelligence community of Iași had its first meetup on June 14th 2017, bringing together artificial intelligence enthusiasts and becoming a place for anyone interested in learning about artificial intelligence, its applications and impact. Quickly transitioning from a newly-born community to one of the most active technical communities of Iași, IAȘI AI partnered up with City.AI and DeepLearning.AI expanding the network and placing Iași on the global AI map.

Media appearances

Along our journey so far, some of our community initiatives have been also covered by the local newspapers or independent magazines.

IAȘI AI - Primul hackathon organizat pe teme de digitalizare, la Sala Vasile Pogor, April 29th 2023
Proiect inovator al unei echipe de informaticieni ieșeni destinat viitorilor medici, July 8th 2020
Cum poate deveni Iașul un "smart city"?, February 27th 2020
Ieșenii pasionați de inteligența artificială, invitați la o întâlnire cu fondatorul Omdena, February 20th 2020
Iaşul a câştigat marele premiu Best Smart City Project, December 17th 2019
Inteligenţa Artificială, o preocupare tot mai extinsă în rândul comunităţii IT, October 17th 2019
Provocare uriaşă pentru Primărie! Poate deveni Iașul digitalizat, un "smart city"?, March 3rd 2019
Iași, pe harta globală a inteligenței artificiale, August 20th 2018