Ethical Issues in Big Data Analytics

  • Wednesday, July 10th 2019, 18:30 - 20:30
  • Fab Lab Iași

The single most important trait of applying Big Data Analytics is undoubtedly empowerment.

It empowers stakeholders to take an informed business decision, it empowers every day commuters with the cumulative knowledge gained from all autonomous vehicles and so on... However, as we all know, with big power comes big responsibility and as the area covered by Big Data Analytics expands onto sensitive subjects it sparks the debate over morality.

In this session, together with Petru Rebeja, Technical Lead at Centric IT Solutions Romania and core member of IAȘI AI community, we’ll discuss some of the Ethical Issues in Big Data Analytics.

Meet the speaker

Petru Rebeja
Petru Rebeja AI passionate, PhD student at Computer Science Faculty

Passionate about AI, data science and technology, PhD student at Computer Science Faculty, focused on the field of natural language processing and artificial neural networks.